"; $sp=split(":",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); echo $sp[0]; $secure_path="https://secure.communilink.net/order/"; echo "$HTTP_REFERER,$sp[0] !=https"; if ($sp[0] !="https")header( "location: $secure_path\r\n" ); */ $csc_lib_path="lib/"; $main_path="index.php"; if (!$lang) $lang="gb"; include $csc_lib_path."lib.php"; include $csc_lib_path."auth.php"; if ( isset($login_auth) ){ if ( login($login, $password) ) { $logon =1; UpdateLog($login, $password); $s = gensid($login); } else{ $msg = "1.".lang(123)." ".lang(347)."
2.".lang(346); $p=1; } } if ( isset($s) || ($s !="") ){ if( valid_session($s)){ $logon =1; $sid_login=load_session($s); } elseif (!$login_auth && !$s){ // add this condition if login box in header $msg = ""; } elseif ($s){ $msg = lang(124); $s = ''; } //removed the session when logout if ($logout) { $logon =0; logout($s); $s=""; $content= $csc_lib_path."login.php"; if($relogin!="yes") { $content= $csc_lib_path."login.php"; } } } if ($logon) { if ($p!="") { if ($login_auth) $p=31; $includepage=includepage($p); if ($p==10) $content= "order/index.php"; else $content= $csc_lib_path."$includepage"; // elseif ($p == 12) echo ""; } else { // $content= $csc_lib_path."welcome.php"; // $content= $csc_lib_path."news.php"; // for promotion // $includepage=includepage(6); $content= $csc_lib_path.includepage(31); // account info //$sub_m=5; $p=6; } } elseif ($logout) { $content= $csc_lib_path."support.php"; } elseif (!$p) { $content= $csc_lib_path."support.php"; } elseif ($p==28) { $content= $csc_lib_path."forget1.php"; } elseif ($p==23) { $content= $csc_lib_path."forget.php"; } elseif ($p==21) { // no need to login $content= $csc_lib_path."legal.php"; } elseif ($p==19) { // no need to login $content= $csc_lib_path."forms.php"; } elseif ($p==12) { $content= $csc_lib_path."kb.php"; } elseif ($p==4) { // no need to login $content= $csc_lib_path."contact.php"; } elseif ($p==1) { $unshow=1; $content= $csc_lib_path."login.php"; } elseif ($p==2) { $content= $csc_lib_path."support.php"; } else { $unshow=1; $content= $csc_lib_path."login.php"; } ?> Customer Service Center \n"; ?>